Chairman of the Central Election Commission met with the Head of OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission
On December 28, 2023 Mr. Mazahir Panahov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) met with Mr. Eoghan Murphy, Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission in regard with the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024.
Having greeted the Head and members of the observation mission, CEC Chairman expressed his gratitude of the meeting.Mr. Eoghan Murphy thanked Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman for friendly welcome and time shared for the meeting despite tight working schedule and informed on the composition and structure of the EOM. The mission members inquired about the preparations for the upcoming elections and requested the CEC Chairman to provide them with the information on the projects scheduled and implemented by the Commission.
Chairman Mr. Panahov emphasized on the special importance provided to the relationship with international organizations, also on the openness to cooperation and transparency conditions under which all the processes are implemented. He also spoke about the election system and electoral legislation in Azerbaijan, activity principles of election commissions, various projects carried out and scheduled in the foregoing elections. Therewith, Chairman informed that the election preparations were being implemented in subsequent and systematic way and in general, candidacies of 15 persons, 5 out of whose have been nominated by political parties, 10 candidacies - on their own initiatives were verified by the relevant decisions of CEC so far in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
He also noted that the signature sheets and other electoral documents submitted are being checked currently by the professional Working Group as in compliance with the Election Code. CEC Chairman invited the EOM members to take close part in checking of signature sheets and other election-related procedures any time they wanted. He also informed on broad opportunities to observe the processes open to public and held transparently. Like other interested subjects, they may also observe directly the procedural developments.
Within the frame of the meeting, some issues of mutual interest were also discussed.
Media and Communication Department
CEC Secretariat