
Decision 1/1 - on the approval of the session minutes dated December 30 and 31, 2023 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 1/2 - on the registration of candidacy of Mr. Zahid Maharram oghlu Oruj, nominated on his own initiative in the early Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024.

Decision 1/3 - on the registration of candidacy of Mr. Razi Gulamali oghlu Nurullayev, nominated by the National Front Party in the early Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024.

Decision 1/4 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 2/5 - on the approval of the session minute of the Central Election Commission dated January 6, 2024

Decision 2/6 - on the registration of Mr. Gudrat Muzaffar oghlu Hasanguliyev, nominated by the Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party as a candidate in the early Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024.

Decision 2/7 - on the registration of Mr. Fazil Gazanfar oghlu Mustafa nominated by the Great Order Party as a candidate in the early Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7,2024.

Decision 2/8 - on the registration of Mr. Elshad Nabi oghlu Musayev nominated by the Great Azerbaijan Party as a candidate in the early Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 2/9 - on the registration of Mr. Fuad Aghasi oghlu Aliyev, nominated on his own initiative as a candidate in the early Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024.

Decision 2/10 - on the approval of the list of Constituency Election Commissions for the inclusion of voters residing outside the boundaries of the country in the early Presidential Elections appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 2/11 - on the amendments to the composition of the Press Group under the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Decision 2/12 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 3/13 - on the approval of the session minute dated January 9, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 3/14 - on the establishment of lottery commission and determination of the lottery place and date for the distribution of free airtime in the early Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on February 7, 2024

Decision 3/15 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 4/16 - on the distribution of free airtime and publication of airtime schedule in the early Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February, 2024

Decision 4/17 - on the registration of the agents of Great Order Party in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 4/18 - on the registration of the agents of the National Front Party in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 4/19 - on the registration of the agents of Great Azerbaijan Party in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 5/20 - on the approval of the session minute dated January 13, 2023 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 5/21 - on the registration of the agents of registered candidate Mr. Zahid Maharram oghlu Oruj in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 5/22 - on the registration of the agents of registered candidate Mr. Fuad Aghasi oghlu Aliyev in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 5/23 - on the registration of the agents of the Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 5/24 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 6/25 - on the consideration of the appeal #1 filed to the Central Election Commission dated January 19, 2024 in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on February 7, 2024

Decision 7/26 - on the approval of the session minutes dated 15, 18 and 20 January 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 7/27 - on the registration of Citizens’ Labor Rights Protection League in partnership with the “Oracle Advisory Group” company (United States of America) as organization conducting "exit poll” on the voting day in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 7/28 - on the registration of “Rey” ("Opinion”) Monitoring Center as organization conducting "exit poll” on the voting day in the early Presidential elections appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 7/29 - on the registration of Sociological Researches Center as organization conducting "exit poll” on the voting day in the early Presidential elections appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 7/30 - on the registration of the agents of registered candidate Mr. Fuad Aghasi oghlu Aliyev in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 7/31 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 8/32 - on the approval of the session minute dated 26 January, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 8/33 - on the installation of webcams in the polling stations during the early Presidential elections appointed to February 7, 2024

Decision 8/34 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 9/35 - on making amendments to the structure of the Constituency Election Commission

Decision 10/36 - on the summarize of the Early Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, held on February 7, 2024 and the submission of the voting results protocol of the Central Election Commission and relevant documents to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Decision 11/37 - on the approval of the session minutes dated 1 February, 5 February and 11 February, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 11/38 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 12/39 - on the approval of the session minute dated March 7, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 12/40 - on termination of the deputy mandate of Mr.Ramin Alamshah Mammadov, Deputy of the sixth call Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Decision 12/41 - on making amendments to the "Regulation on the Secretariat of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan"

Decision 12/42 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 13/43 - on the approval of the session minute dated 2 May, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 13/44 - on re-compilation, verification and publication of the permanent voter lists for 2024 in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Decision 13/45 - on the annul of the Decision 9.79 of the Central Election Commission dated 15 May 2015 in regard with the approval of the "Instruction on the rules for receive, review and publication of the annual financial reports submitted by political parties"

Decision 13/46 - on making amendments to the Decision 5.19 of the Central Election Commission dated 16August 2022

Decision 13/47 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 14/48 - on the approval of the session minute dated May 27, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 14/49 - Azerbaijan on making partial amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 14/50 - on making amendments to some normative legal documents of the Central Election Commission in regard with the adoption of the Law # 1127-VIQD of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On making amendments to some laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 5 April 2024, regarding the implementation of the Law “On the media” # 471-VIQ of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 30 December 2021

Decision 14/51 - on making changes in the "Rules for registering candidates to Deputy in the elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, checking the information in the election documents submitted to the constituency election commission and registration of candidacy”

Decision 14/52 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 15/53 - on the approval of "Calendar Plan for the basic activities and measures on the preparation and conduct of the Early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan”

Decision 15/54 - on the establishment of Expert Group under Central Election Commission to investigate the complaints against the actions (inactions) and decisions violating citizens’ election rights in the Early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to 1 September, 2024

Decision 15/55 - on the establishment of Working Group under Central Election Commission and the appointment of the head of the Group in the Early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 15/56 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 16/57 - on the approval of the session minute dated 27 January, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 16/58 - on the activities related to polling stations on some election constituencies

Decision 16/59 - on making amendments to some legal acts of Central Election Commission in regard with the adoption of the Law 1178-VIQD of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On making amendments to the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, dated 21 June 2024

Decision 16/60 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Republican Alternative (REAL) Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 16/61 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the White Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 16/62 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the Civic Solidarity Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 16/63 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 17/64 - approval of the session minutes dated 29 June and July 2, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 17/65 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the New Azerbaijan Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 17/66 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Azerbaijan Hope Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 17/67 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Great Creation Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 17/68 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the Democratic Reforms Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 17/69 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the Motherland Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 17/70 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Musavat Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 17/71 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the Classic Popular Front Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 17/72 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 18/73 - on the approval of the session minute dated 6 July, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 18/74 - on the establishment of new polling stations on some election constituencies

Decision 18/75 - on the termination of the deputy powers Mr.Adil Abish Aliyev, Deputy of the six call Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Decision 18/76 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the Azerbaijan Popular Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 18/77 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 18/78 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the National Front Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 18/79 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Justice, Law and Democratic Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 18/80 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the National Independence Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 18/81 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Great Azerbaijan Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 18/82 - on the registration of authorized representatives of the White Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 19/83 - on the approval of the session minute dated 9 July, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 19/84 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the Free Homeland Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 19/85 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the National Revival Movement Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 19/86 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the New Time Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 19/87 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Rights and Justice Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 19/88 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the White Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 19/89 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 20/90 - on the approval of the session minute dated 12 July, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 20/91 - on the rule of preparation and number of final protocols of election commissions on the voting results in the early Elections to the Milli Majlis appointed to 1 September 2024

Decision 20/92 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the Modern Musavat Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 20/93 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the Azerbaijan Democratic Enlightenment Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 20/94 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Musavat Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 21/95 - on the approval of the session minute dated July 15, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 21/96 - on the rule of preparation, form and number of notifications to inform voters about the place and time of voting in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to 1 September 2024

Decision 21/97 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Future Azerbaijan Party in the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 21/98 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representative on financial issues of the Musavat Party in the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 21/99 - on the registration of authorized representative of the Free Motherland Party in the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 21/100 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Unity Party in the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 21/101 - on the registration of authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues of the Justice Party in the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 21/102 - on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions

Decision 22/103 - on the approval of the session minute dated 19 July, 2024 of the Central Election Commission

Decision 22/104 - on the registration of authorized representatives of the “Motherland” Party in the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024

Decision 22/105 - on consideration of the appeal # 01 submitted to the Central Election Commission on July 20, 2024 in the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024